
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

“As seen on Dr Phil”

Dear dede,

FINALLY a biz op you can actually be proud of!
FINALLY a biz op you'll want to tell your friends about!
FINALLY a biz op that's wholesome, genuine and completely honest!

I'm going to give you two websites to visit based on the fact that you've read this far – frankly, if you were an online shark on the prowl for a lucrative scam, you probably wouldn't have got past the subject line.

The first is and this is a great showcase of the whole Family IQ ethos with lots of great information and videos from founder Mark Hobbins and Doctor Phil among others. This site will completely reassure you as to the integrity and huge online potential of the product.

The second site will show you how easy it is to sell and make $1000 a day as presented by Rod Stinson, the marketing guru Mark Hobbins handpicked to take his fabulous system quite literally to the world. And to honest people.

AOL Users


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