
Friday, February 11, 2011

Position Open: Are You Interested?

Dear dede,

We are looking people interested in working from home on a part or full-time basis.

Potential to earn $100, $200 or even up to $500 a day, writing short opinions.

We work with hundreds of companies such as 20th Century Fox, Paramount Entertainment, Ford Motor Company, Google and more!
We recruit people to fill 1000s of jobs for companies like this every year.

Many of these jobs are simple online writing tasks, such as blogging about a movie that you recently saw, commenting on your opinion of a certain kind of car, proof reading simple documents and more!

Use this link--

There has been an explosion in the need for online writers, regardless of skill. These companies are more interested in your honest genuine opinions when you're writing blog entries about their company... not if you are a very talented writer.

If you're looking for work, or just want to make some part time money on the side, please come check out the jobs we have available.

Sign Up at this link:

Lisa Roberts
Director of HR

AOL Users


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